these are the next 12’s from me and payzant. all the new mastering is done by Pole and the sound quality on these new releases is incredible.
jeff mills using only a 909.
i find myself getting into a lot of online squabbles. they are usually started when i read and reply to absurd facebook posts of some local dj misrepresenting themselves, their night, their musical contribution or lack thereof and a host of other typical problems like music theft, serato, hack production and style. it’s the same argument over and over in which i express my frustration and concern (usually quite angrily) over the lack of quality and accountability in this over saturated digital music age, and in keeping a focus on what’s closest to me, calling out vancouver’s worst taste makers and circuit dj’s for thinking they are the second coming.
the latest being a gimmicky dj who works in marketing posting a track with 5 sub genre’s in the title “deep french filter disco house”. sadly that title sounded far more exciting than the actual song. his argument in a nutshell was that he only has limited musical tools at his disposal to make music with and so his sound will have to suffice for now. furthermore, that it’s just smart marketing to get his music out there using these stupid monikers in the googlesphere so that maybe he can get to the next level in hopes to make better music later.
this way of thinking happens to be rampant where i live and i will get into more of this later. for now, this was a long way of getting around to wanting to show what an actual real electronic musician can do with just ONE piece of gear and to prove that talent is talent regardless of what you own.
big bang big boom
the latest wall painted animation from the italian artist BLU. the sheer magnitude of this work is astounding.
Roland History
“These gentlemen changed the nature of composition by making performance controlled by a computer program. The ability to “play” these electronic instruments did not require years of instruction or even good timing. The only prerequisite was a rhythmic sensibility and an understanding of how to construct music using its programming interface.”
this is tadao kikumoto. he was the developer for the roland 808, 909 and 303. it’s another beautiful example of one thing leading to a completely unexpected other thing.
welcome to the phuture: techno (1988)
a great old article dug up from the people at about the belleville three and detroit techno. just an embarrassing side note. i remember running into derrick may at a mall in detroit. i was back home in windsor visiting my parents during my first year of college. he was trying on suit jackets and I was looking for track pants. i think at the time i was trying to play it cool, but in hindsight was just a wide eyed fan seeing a larger than life star. i asked him if there was any advice he could give a new dj and he said, “never touch the records (in the mix)”. meaning only use the pitch control. it was great advice from a wise man and one of the greatest dj’s of all time. thanks for that derrick and thanks for not laughing off an over eager young kid.
jit, juke and going dumb.
one of the many things that fascinates me about the geographical vastness of the US, is that just as music evolved differently according to city and region, various unique dancing accompanied these sounds accordingly. my favorites being detroits – jit, chicagos – juke, and oakland’s – going dumb or other variations of this. i would have to say out of the 3, the bay area has really taken the lead.
it’s still too far in advance to even predict what scale this environmental disaster is going to have on the ocean and our planet. however, i can say that this latest example from the mentality and fallout of a business as usual attitude, really just proves we are a species that doesn’t prepare, change or anticipate anything much further than two feet in front of us. i have always tried to feel that there was something worth saving about makind, but as of late i really am starting to look forward to seeing the collective smug grin wiped off the western worlds face when it all comes crashing down.
american apparel ass
there’s not much to really say about this one. everyone has their vice and some have more than others. this one is floating around vancouver somewhere.