a great old article dug up from the people at djhistory.com about the belleville three and detroit techno. just an embarrassing side note. i remember running into derrick may at a mall in detroit. i was back home in windsor visiting my parents during my first year of college. he was trying on suit jackets and I was looking for track pants. i think at the time i was trying to play it cool, but in hindsight was just a wide eyed fan seeing a larger than life star. i asked him if there was any advice he could give a new dj and he said, “never touch the records (in the mix)”. meaning only use the pitch control. it was great advice from a wise man and one of the greatest dj’s of all time. thanks for that derrick and thanks for not laughing off an over eager young kid.
welcome to the phuture: techno (1988)
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He’s wrong! Twist twist twist!