June 5th, 2010

david cross and aziz ansari dvd’s

just picked up both aziz ansari’s intimate moments for a sensual evening and david cross’s bigger and blackerer. they are both really fantastic. watching them back to back, I noticed how aziz ansari’s humor is so beautifully modern day. I certainly wouldn’t expect people over a certain age to understand any of it though, especially the online chat room humor between him and his cousin. but I love that the material is that technologically ballsy. the guy is just so fucking funny. nothing else to say.
david cross always straddles the line between a very serious social commentary and bursts of childish quips. I find myself wishing for hours of his more political material. he has this real brilliant darkness to him that is just peaking through in the gentlest of ways. wish I could see more of him in show or film.
oddly I tried stopping aziz ansari one time when I was in l.a in his car outside of this cafe to ask him if he was performing anywhere, but I think he thought I was a raaaaaaandy fan and got freaked out and sped away.

1 Comment »

  1. i saw aziz ansari last night in vancouver and he didn’t disappoint. i was thinking that there might be a little mix of old material and new, but it was a completely brand new act. you could tell that he was still testing out the good from the great, but because he is such a pro there was very few moments if any that seemed out of place. he did take suggestions from the audience after for things they wanted to hear about which i found a bit odd. then seeing him do his old material verbatim was kind of unnecessary. of course i’m always so shocked to see how infantile some audience members are at shows like this. and the screams of “bc bud” were just downright embarrassing. all in all, this guy is amazing.

    Comment by Jason — June 27, 2010 @ 1:43 pm

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